Upcoming July Pathfinder (14th)

Here’s a reminder of next Sunday’s Pathfinder – July 14 – a ride through the scenic lanes of north east Lizard. What to expect – 40kms with 600m of climbing, quiet country lanes, beautiful scenery through Trelowarren estate along creeks and views across Falmouth Bay a cafe with a sunny garden and cover if it rains – what more could you ask for? Meeting at Traboe Cross car park at 9.45 for a 10.00 depart. (what3words – gravest.breaches.adjust). Cafe stop in the garden […] Read More

Danny rides from Waterloo to Waterloo

Help those who are serving or have served their country when they need it the most by donating to my challenge today – Armed Forces Day. Having worked with service and ex-service personnel in and outside the Royal Navy for nearly 50 years I’ve seen first-hand the impact that a military career, service-related injuries and transition from the armed forces can have on people’s mental health. I’m delighted to have been selected to take part in the ‘Waterloo (station) to […] Read More

What’s on in July?

Saturday 13th July is the next social ride for the Falmouth and Penryn Walking and Cycling campaign group, Meet at The Pier cafe at 3pm for cake if you wish and the ride starts from The Moor at 4pm. Sunday 14th July – Pathfinder set by Adrian. Starting from Goonhilly Car Park at 10.00am with a cafe stop at the Fat Apple Cafe. 16th July – Falmouth and Penryn Walking and Cycling campaign group meeting at the Seven Stars, Falmouth Moor […] Read More

Four go on a French Cycle Trip – The Tour de Manche – 763 miles!

Myself, Sheila, Ann and Rita had planned to go on a cycling trip to Mont Saint Michel and on researching the route discovered the Tour de Manche  which is a Green Velo route which goes from Roscoff  along the Brittany coast – via Mont Saint Michel – and on through Normandy to Cherbourg – across by ferry to Poole and from there back to Plymouth. Thursday 9th May – Falmouth to Plymouth- 68 miles- 5640 ft  We thought it was […] Read More

Pathfinder June 16th

The next Pathfinder ride is around the scenic west cliffs of Cornwall on Sunday 16th June, Starting from St Erth train station at 10am. What3words #Drift.Recruiter.Shipwreck Details of the start location and gpx link to the route are below. There are a few hills usual in Cornwall, but the ride is a little shorter than usual (above 20 miles) and we’ll ride in groups. There is a bit of gravel on the roads in places and please be mindful as […] Read More

Praa-ing for better weather

OGIL ride report: 29th May 2024 The weather forecast looked quite reasonable.  A bit cloudy but no rain expected until early afternoon.  There was also very little forecast wind so we arrived at ToP quite optimistic for the conditions.  Jan had already posted a suggestion of Praa Sands for our destination, and as no one could recall having ridden there on an OGIL ride any time in the last five years or so  we decided to give it a try.   […] Read More

Post a Ride Report

Posting a Ride Report is very straight forward, particularly if (as many do) you’ve written the report “off-line” using your favourite word processor. So having logged in and added your media from the ride to the media library, from the home screen click on “Post” on the left menu. If you have logged in on a mobile device you may need to click on the three horizontal lines top left of the screen to expose the menu. Then click on […] Read More

What’s Happening in June?

Truro cycle club have a charity event, the David Bennett Memorial ride on Sunday 9th June from Shortlanesend Village Hall starting at 8.00 with 3 distances, 40,100 and 160k rides. £15.00 entry fee. Mass Bike Ride, Saturday 8th June @ 4pm. Dean is looking to have 8 volunteer marshals on the day. 2 more Wheelers volunteered at the meeting.  A couple more would be useful.  Please contact Dean if you are able to help out.  Hi Vis will be available. Bike week is 10th – 16th June.  Dean […] Read More