The Wheelers have been asked by the organiser if we can run this control for him on the Kernow and SW 600km event next June. As I mentioned at the last club meeting we have successfully run the Penzance control in the past and it was greatly appreciated by the riders before they set off into the night. If you might be interested can you get in touch with me as soon as possible so I can report back to the organiser. I know it is rather early to commit to next year yet but an indication of interest now would be very helpful. We need about 5 or 6 volunteers – to stamp the riders’ cards on arrival, help in the kitchen, making soup, pasta, making teas and coffees, washing up, handing out food, helping with any mechanical problems if possible, setting up and closing the hall. We will be manning the control from about 3pm till 11pm. However if you can only offer less than those 8 hours don’t be put off from offering. That’s fine, all help is appreciated. If you haven’t helped at a control before why not give it a try. Expenses will be covered. It can be fun!
Simon Jones